centenialThis was a gift from Mr. And Mrs. Fred Ockerland in 1975. A figure of the first rector, The Rev. Frank Hobart Millett, represents all the priests who have served Trinity. Also featured are The Right Rev. James W. Montgomery, Bishop of the Diocese of Chicago and The Right Rev. Quintin E. Primo, Jr., Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Chicago. The Most Reverend Arthur Michael Ramsey, the 100th Archbishop of Canterbury is shown holding his crozier or staff in the lower right hand corner of the window. Archbishop Ramsey came to Trinity during the centennial celebration.

The Centennial Window not only commemorated the 100th year of the chapel, but it also was given in celebration of the Ockerlund’s own wedding anniversary. They had been married in the chapel 25 years earlier. The window was designed by Karl Hackert Studios in Northbrook, Illinois and was made in Innsbruck, Austria.